VC 033 Mike Skrypnek: Grow your Clients, Get, and Give.
Mike Skrypnek found himself at a crossroads after the crash of 2008, and took advantage of an opportunity to reimagine his business, his life, and his career. He dove into hundreds of hours of self-examination, guided by experts in the field, and developed his own "Grow, Get, Give" ethos, where companies grow through customer value focus, and share that success philanthropically. We talk about it in a great interview which has some powerful parallels to any business or sales person.
Today's guest on the ValuClarity Podcast: Mike Skrypnek, whose career has taken him to "Grow, Get, Give back": Helping his clients grow their businesses so they can give something back. ValuClarity listeners will be especially interested in his principles for growth...I happen to love his give back ethos.