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Mike's Six Month Book Mastery Program is designed to help you write your book. Position, publish and package. 


Build your "Mountain of Credibility" and stand at the very top as an author. There is no better positioning than that of the subject matter expert. Stand out above your competitors, attract more prospects, close more sales and dominate your market. Master credibility marketing by writing YOUR book.


"My first book cost me $35,000 and a year of hard work. I only had to invest $1,000 in the last book I published - in just six months! I'll share the secrets I learned with you." - Mike Skrypnek











Mike will help you get it done. He knows the secrets and the tactics to making it happen. Thousands of people have a "book in them", but most of them will never get it done. Starting is easy...finishing is where the magic happens. 


Let Mike guide you in writing your book and help you understand: 


  • The POWER of books

  • WHY a book is the BEST business card EVER.

  • WHAT you need to know to get yours done

  • HOW to avoid thousands of dollars in costly mistakes writing YOUR book

  • HOW a book is used to attract more ideal prospects and clients  and;

  • So much more!

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