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G3  Community !





Three words, four peaks.


Announcing the launch of our G3 Community!


Our life philosophy has three very important parts. Through coaching we guide impact-minded, mid-career entrepreneur owners to GROW their business, GET more freedom and GIVE back. These words mean different things to everyone and are as fundamentally important as the legs in a three-legged stool are. You need all three for stability to allow you to have great business, fulfilling life and big impact. You can consider the words as “levers” that we can pull on, push or leave static - one, two, or three at once, or in succession. There is no right order, but they must all be present.  


Images of mountains are inspiring. The magnificent beauty of incredibly large geological features connecting our earth to the limitless sky inspires us to look up. Our attraction to mountains is a metaphor for life and business. We are moved to climb through life and to strive to rise above where we sit today.











The logo for Grow Get Give Coaching has evolved from a three peak mountain range to four peaks because there is no GROW GET GIVE without you, the entrepreneur. You could never ascend Mt. Everest on your own and we understand that our impact could never happen if we weren’t able to share our philosophy to guide others to reach their summit. The fourth and largest peak is you, the entrepreneur.


There are few things in business more powerful than the entrepreneur, except, of course, many entrepreneurs. Grow Get Give Coaching now offers a membership model to harness the singular power of the entrepreneur and give leverage to them by pulling together the collective energy and wisdom of a community of impact-minded difference makers.  We want to give you access to important strategic thinking, the power of the mastermind and access to some of the best tactics you need to be successful in business, so we created our G3 Community to give entrepreneurs a platform with resources to help you make your big impact.  


Our G3 Community is your community. Our members help us amp up the energy to keep moving ahead, to climb our mountains and scale the peaks of our vision. We’ll give you the platform, coaching, training, access to tactics, and the brightest strategic thinkers to learn from in our exclusive community.


For committed & passionate entrepreneurs & business owners only!


Member benefits:


1. One X one, 60 minute Success Readiness Discovery coaching session after 30 days. 


2. Two X 30 minute follow up coaching sessions with Mike. 6 & 10 month marks


3. One FREE general admission access to one  paid GGG event, presentation, etc.


4. 20% discount for other programs, etc. (ie. Book Mastery program, publications, PR/media, HR, software, personal/prof development)


5. E-Book: Mike’s Entrepreneur Secrets GGG Life


6. Weekly Breakfast with Mike networking


7. Monthly Grow Get Give Newsletter


8. Monthly guest speaker online events


9. Monthly mixer networking event


10. Free SWAG - tbd


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